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The refurbishment and extension works are continuing

Eighteen months have now already passed since the kick-off in March 2017 of the refurbishment and extension works at Pomuni Trade and Pomuni Frozen. We are pleased to be able to inform you that plenty of changes have already taken place on the site.

The new packaging hall at Pomuni Trade has already been running at full capacity for almost a year. And also at Pomuni Frozen, from August '18, the packaging hall and the associated storage space have been prepared to be fully operational. One of the biggest changes on our site has also gone into operation, namely the deepfreeze storage. This will enable us to work even more flexibly, as we have also significantly expanded our stocks of semifinished products.

The works at Pomuni Frozen have now created room for the reform measures that will start in the autumn. We are now detailing the plans for the next phase at Pomuni Trade, which will commence in 2019.

We are convinced that the work being done at the two companies will again enable us to respond better to the new trends in the food industry.

Within the framework of sustainability and our aim for energy efficiency, we have opted to install solar panels on the roof of the new packaging hall at Pomuni Trade. This will give us an estimated power yield of 349,940 KWh/year, which we will be able to reuse fully in our companies. This also amounts to 35% of the current annual consumption of Pomuni Trade.

We would hereby like to thank everyone for the flexibility and commitment in realising everything.

We hope for a smooth continuation of the works!

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