Potatoes and potato products
of the highest quality.
Potatoes come in every flavour, shape and colour. We select only fresh varieties of the highest quality. They are harvested straight from the field, ideal ingredients in top-notch frozen mashed potato products. That’s our passion for potatoes.
From field
... to fork.
We pursue the very best quality in everything we do. Our end-to-end quality care is driven by expertise built up over many years, the far-reaching engagement of our people and our long-term partnerships with local growers. It’s the only way we can live up to our reputation as the most reliable supplier of potatoes and potato products and ensure complete traceability throughout the production chain.

Our sustainable policy
Potatoes are a gift from nature. From harvest to table, we show them the utmost care and respect, allowing nothing to go to waste.
Read more about our sustainability policy.
The best potato
for every season
Every season brings a new challenge. From September to June we harvest our potatoes (maincrop) from Belgian soil – where they grow best. In the summer months, we supplement our range with high-grade earlies and second earlies, grown in special soils around the Mediterranean. That enables us toguarantee the potatoes of the very best quality the whole year through.
Our growers dig up Belgian potatoes from the fields close to our storage and production centres when the leaves start falling from the trees.
The crop has been harvested. Peace is restored to the fields. At our storage locations we keep our potatoes in crates in optimal conditions.
In the spring we prepare the fields and closely monitor the growth of the potatoes. Irrigate, fertilise... We do everything within our power to optimise our harvest.
Summer is the season for salads with... new potatoes. Our earlies and season earlies come straight from the Mediterranean (Cyprus, Israel, Spain...).
Pomu news